Hotel "Peak Ine"
Hotel "Peak Ine", is situated on the third lift of funicular, another words - at the final
station of cabin funicular. So it stays right in the ski-zone.
The exterior of the hotel doesn't look well, but inside its appartments looks new and
doesn't differ from the reconstructed rooms at the 8-th floor of the
Hotel "MMC Gornye vershiny".
Each room has shower and toilet, and the hot water is provided regularly.
The hotel has its own restaurant-bar "Near the fire" with the real fireplace in.
The windows of the bar were made specially very wide, so you feel like siting in
the open air surrounded by the mountains. Great landscape !!
So in the evening you can relax near the fire with a glass of hot wine of kognak,
looking at the surrounding mountains, which are not so high as usual, because the
hotel stays at the altitude of 2400 m and all the mountains around having 3500 m
look like staying near you at the distance of 2-3 steps.
You are the first passenger in the armchair funicular at the ski zone.
While another skiers are staying somewhere down in Dombai Valley waiting
for their turn to rise up to ski-zone in the wagon funikular, you are already
here. In addition you save 60-80 roubles per day, which must be spend in wagon
funikular for rising up here if you live somewhere downstair in Dombai Valley.
For example, in high season = New Year, School and Student holidays, or
middle of March = there in Dombai Valley are a lot of people each morning
staying in queue to Wagon funicular. Each morning they waist about an hour or
two of their ski time to rich the ski-zone.
This is not for you, since living in "Peak Ine" you are already in ski zone.
Another view on this: you can use more time for skiing here because you
don't depend on the funicular close time.
Cookery ! The real artist in cooking Fatima - landlady of "Peak Ine" -
is ready to cook for your order. Wide menu from real Caucasian dishes
up to simple European breakfast. Ask her to make you something with mutton.
Although for some people this may become Advantage :
In the evening when the funicular are closed you are in some sense "closed on the mountain".
You can't join dancing halls or restaurants there in Dombai Valley since 800 m of
altitude separates you from them. But if the other guests of the hotel
"Peak Ine" are are quite communicative you spend the merry night, walking around
among the pretty landscapes, sitting near the fire, viziting sauna or testing bar.
Frankly speeking there is one possibility to go down - for the additional
payment (not for ordinary one but for much higher) the funicular servicemen
can take you down to Dombai Valley.
So how do you like the bath at the 2400 m altitude ?
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