Freeride with guides Last time demonstrated the growing interest of the boarders and alpen skiers
from all over the World to the riding beyond the well marked ski-traces. We don't call this style like X-trim.
Let the thin crust of ice to grow upon the new felt snow after the short time of warm and the trace become Xtrimly
difficult for ordinary skiers. They feel themselves very incomfortable quickly coming to tiredness which in turn leads to incidence and traumatism.
As a result enjoy is eclipsed.
You differ from them since now you have a chance to improve your technique by taking lessons from professional skiers and boarders
- RIDERS- right on the mountain. You can feel free and insured and get enjoy ridding any slopes beyond the traces at any
snow and weather conditions.
This season (2001-2002) it comes to Dombai.
Base course includes
- 6-day guide supported ridding with analysis of errors and their correction
- ridding beyond the traces
- short course of avalanche safety and and life-safety works
- Photografy and video recording up to desire
For video recording the professional equipment Sony DigitalVideo is used folowing
by unlinear video montage, design and processing.
Free ridding demands high life-safety procedures. That's why groups provided with
avalanche radio-beacons, equipment for searching and radio connection.
To our experience the optimal group must consist of 3 persons + 1 guide. So in this
season we'll try to organize such mini-groups, which provides more safety and intensive
improvement of your ridding technique.
In each individual case the programm duration, group content and the total cost may vary
depending on the real situation. For example there is possible to organize 1-day backcountry tour
(all necessary equipment provided by guides)
Dombai - is not for just ordinary skiing, but represents a lot of possibilities for freeridding.
Wide variety of reliefs allows to create tours of different difficulty, and different slopes exposure
represents different snow situations.
Taste backcountry in the Gonachhir canyon !
Everybody knows the upper station of the elevator on the crest of Musa-Achitara (3050 m.)
It is possible to ride right from there either into the deep Gonachhir canyon or into Dombai-Ulgen canyon.
You start going 30-40 min from the elevator station by the crest having nice sightseeing of steep Gonachhir
slopes - altitude difference = 800m. Then ride down to Dombai-Ulgen bottom and then skiing (boarding) to either the
3-rd station or to Dombai valley.
There right above the oficial traces are East slopes with great snow fields and different ravines with and without trees
It is various types of ridding for one cicle with impressive altitude difference = 1300 m
finishing at the elevator station
Also there in Dombai are a wide options of forest skiing. Short but very interesting rides with altitude difference of about 600 m.
Our guides have a long experience ski-instruction, snowboarding, climbing and life-safety.
Through all over the season you can learn through our individual programms. The only you need is
to order the tour preliminary.
Base price = 100$ per person in 3-persons group. Please send us your order with the following information included:
- Age;
- How many seasons you are skiing in mountains;
- Where did you ride before, your experience on unbroken snow and out of trace skiing;
- Your sport activity
- Ski or snowboard;
- What are you waiting for from this tour ?