In general the situation with funiculars is as seen below:
- Underneath, directly near the hotel "Crocus"- there is a stirrup-funicular, the slope is for beginners - 300 meters.
- The functions of the armchair funicular going from the "Crocus" to the second line are purely of a transport kind, because there you can ski only during the very snowy winter.
- The armchair funicular from the second to the third line - is also not a very "skiable", but last year it was possible to ski, under the supports, and along the road.
- The funicular from the center of Dombai to the third line comes practically to the same place as the previous one.
- The third armchair funicular - is for the present the only way to the main basic place of the mountain skiers' dislocation - the clearing under the mountain Mussa-Achitara. You can ski exactly from this place; the route is about 1.5-2 km.
- There are two armchair funiculars going from the clearing ("Yugoslavian" and the main) to the mountain's Mussa-Achitara shoulder, the route is about 3-4 km.
In addition, in the clearing there are 4 stirrup-funiculars and 2 rope-funiculars (for children).
At the beginning of the 2000 the "Yugoslavian" line of the funicular was restored. It was built in the beginning of the 90th but was laid up practically from the beginning. The local administration found the means for the preventive inspection and launching.
The skiing is various, of course not "black", but there are some variants comparable with the south of Cheget or its Dollar. Retrack-machine levels the routes, but not very regularly.
In November 1999, the building (reconstruction) of a stirrup-funicular was begun at the very top - the remarkable snowy mould.